


Cui Lei

2018年06月07日 10:54  点击:[]

Cui Lei Lecturer

Phone: 18920770035

Email: leicui@tju.edu.cn

Department: Welding and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute

(1)Advanced friction welding technology and equipment

(2)Ocean engineering welding key technology

(3)Welding structure performance and reliability

(1) 低活化钢搅拌摩擦焊超细晶组织演变行为及强化机制 国家自然科学基金青年项目 在研 项目负责人

(2) 火箭贮箱拉拔式摩擦塞焊工艺与接头性能 澳门新莆京游戏app大厅自主创新基金 在研 项目负责人

(3) 海油工程、中石油、航天运载火箭企业合作课题 在研 项目负责人

(4) 高热强性低活化钢组织设计及其搅拌摩擦焊接 国家自然科学联合基金重点项目 在研 主要参加人(搅拌摩擦焊部分研究内容)

(5) 基于摩擦叠焊的水下结构物修复关键技术研究 国家十二五863计划 已完成 主要完成人(负责水下设备研制与焊接工艺开发)


1.         Cui L, Yang X, Wang D, Cao J: Underwater friction taper plug welding process and mechanical properties of joints for DH36 steel. Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution 2016, 37:75-79.

2.         Cui L, Yang X, Wang D, Cao J, Xu W: Experimental study of friction taper plug welding for low alloy structure steel: Welding process, defects, microstructures and mechanical properties. Materials and Design 2014, 62:271-281.

3.         Cui L, Yang X, Wang D, Hou X, Cao J, Xu W: Friction taper plug welding for S355 steel in underwater wet conditions: Welding performance, microstructures and mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering A 2014, 611:15-28.

4.         Cui L, Yang X, Xie Y, Hou X, Song Y: Process parameter influence on defects and tensile properties of friction stir welded T-joints on AA6061-T4 sheets. Materials and Design 2013, 51:161-174.

5.         Cui L, Yang X, Zhou G, Xu X, Shen Z: Characteristics of defects and tensile behaviors on friction stir welded AA6061-T4 T-joints. Materials Science and Engineering A 2012, 543:58-68.

6.         Du B, Cui L*, Yang X, Wang D, Sun Z: Weakening mechanism and tensile fracture behavior of AA 2219-T87 friction plug welds. Materials Science and Engineering A 2017, 693:129-135.

7.         Du B, Sun Z, Yang X, Cui L*, Song J, Zhang Z: Characteristics of friction plug welding to 10mm thick AA2219-T87 sheet: Weld formation, microstructure and mechanical property. Materials Science and Engineering A 2016, 654:21-29.

8.       Li S, Yang X, Cui L*, Yin Y: Influence of weld geometry and process parameters on the quality of underwater wet friction taper plug welding. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2016, 86:2339-2351.

9.       Yin Y, Yang X, Cui L*, Cao J, Xu W: Investigation on welding parameters and bonding characteristics of underwater wet friction taper plug welding for pipeline steel. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2015, 81:851-861.

10.       Yin Y, Yang X, Cui L*, Cao J, Xu W: Microstructure and mechanical properties of underwater friction taper plug weld on X65 steel with carbon and stainless steel plugs. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016, 21:259-266.

11.       Yin Y, Yang X, Cui L*, Wang F, Li S: Material flow influence on the weld formation and mechanical performance in underwater friction taper plug welds for pipeline steel. Materials and Design 2015, 88:990-998.

12.       Wang F, Yang X, Cui L*, Yin Y: Fabricating Defect-Free API X65 Steel Welds under Underwater Wet Conditions using Friction Taper Plug Welding. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2016, 31:2123-2129.

13.       Wang F, Yang X, Yin Y, Cui L*,: Thermal process influence on microstructure and mechanical behavior for friction taper plug welding in structural steel S355. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2017, 88:3459-3466.


1.       Qu R, Yang L, Tian L, Xu W, Cui L, Yin Y: Procedure analysis of friction hydro pillar processing. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2016, 52:97-103.

2.       Shen H, Yang X, Li D, Cui L: Microstructures and mechanical properties of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy welded by stationary shoulder friction stir welding process. Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution 2016, 37:119-123.

3.       Shen Z, Yang X, Zhang Z, Cui L, Li T: Microstructure and failure mechanisms of refill friction stir spot welded 7075-T6 aluminum alloy joints. Materials and Design 2013, 44:476-486.

4.       Shen Z, Yang X, Zhang Z, Cui L, Yin Y: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of friction stir spot welds of AA 6061-T4 sheets. Materials and Design 2013, 49:181-191.

5.       Song Y, Yang X, Cui L, Hou X, Shen Z, Xu Y: Defect features and mechanical properties of friction stir lap welded dissimilar AA2024-AA7075 aluminum alloy sheets. Materials and Design 2014, 55:9-18.

6.       Song YB, Yang XQ, Cui L, Shen ZK, Hou XP: Defects and tensile properties of friction stir welded lap joints for dissimilar high-strength aluminum alloys. Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 2014, 24:1167-1174.

7.       Yang X, Cui L, Hou X, Yin Y: Study on the microstructures and properties of underwater friction hydro pillar/taper-pillar welded joints for dissimilar steels. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2016, 52:44-51.

8.       Yang XQ, Cui L, Xu XD, Zhou G: Weld defects and fatigue properties of friction stir overlap joints for 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. Hangkong Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Aeronautical Materials 2013, 33:38-44.

9.       Yin Y, Yang X, Cui L, Cao J, Xu W: Microstructure and properties of friction hydro pillar processed DH36 high strength steel. Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution 2014, 35:109-112.

10.       Zhou G, Yang XQ, Cui L, Zhang ZH, Xu XD: Study on the microstructures and tensile behaviors of friction stir welded T-joints for AA6061-T4 alloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2012, 21:2131-2139.

11.         Du B, Sun Z, Yang X, Cui L: Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction plug welding joints for dissimilar aluminum alloys. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2017, 53:43-48.

12.         Hou X, Yang X, Cui L, Zhou G: Influences of joint geometry on defects and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA6061-T4 T-joints. Materials and Design 2014, 53:106-117.

13.       Hou XP, Yang XQ, Cui L, Zhou G: Friction stir welding process of 6061-T4 aluminum alloy T-joints. Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 2013, 23:3048-3055.

14.       Li D, Yang X, Cui L, He F, Shen H: Effect of welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6061-T6 butt welded joints by stationary shoulder friction stir welding. Materials and Design 2014, 64:251-260.

15.       Li D, Yang X, Cui L, He F, Zhang X: Investigation of stationary shoulder friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 7075-T651. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2015, 222:391-398.

16.       Li D, Yang X, Cui L, He F, Zhang X: Fatigue property of stationary shoulder friction stir welded additive and non-additive T joints. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2015, 20:650-654.

17.       Wang Z, Song H, Fu D, Ji J, Cui L, Yang X: Experimental investigation on tensile fracture behavior of friction stir welded T-joints of 6061-T4 aluminum alloy. Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology 2015, 48:728-733.

18.       Xie YH, Yang XQ, Cui L: Microstructure and property of 6061-T4 aluminum alloy T-joints by friction stir welding under single pass and double passes. Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 2015, 25:72-79.

19.       Li T, Cui L: Microstructure evolution and its effect on mechanical properties of friction stir welded AZ80 magnesium alloy joint. Metallurgical and Mining Industry 2015, 7:6-13.

上一条:Gong Baoming 下一条:Ao Sansan
