1993.9-1997.07西安交通大学 本科
1997.09-2000.12 西安交通大学 硕士
2001.04-2004.03 日本大阪大学 博士
1999.10-2000.09 日本大阪大学 公派留学生
2006.04至今 澳门新莆京游戏app大厅 教 授
2006.06-2010.03 日本 大阪大学 共同研究员
2004.04-2006.05 日本 大阪大学 特聘研究员
中国机械工程学会焊接分会 理事
中国机械工程学会 高级会员
焊接分会堆焊及表面工程专业委员会 会员
中国焊接学会青年工作委员会 委员
国际焊接学会IIW专业委员会C-II Arc Welding and Filler Metals专家
1. 航空发动机及燃气轮机重大专项,热障涂层,2200万,2019/01-2021/12,参加。
2. 国家重点研发计划,现场增材修复与再制造形性调控与移动式装备集成设计,5620万,2018/05-2021/04,参加。
3. 天津市自然科学基金,HVAF再制造涂层的纳微观组装机制及关键制备技术,2016/04-2019/3,10万元,主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于爆炸焊和能量分配的HVAF喷涂半熔化粒子共沉积理论与高结合强度机理,2014/01-2017/12,80万元,主持。
5. 天津市自然科学基金,多尺度金属陶瓷再制造涂层强韧设计准则与关键沉积技术,2012/04-2015/03,10万元,主持。
6. 国家科技支撑计划,工程机械零部件再制造关键技术与装备,2011/01-2013/12,1294万元,参加。
7. 天津市科技支撑计划,工程机械再制造关键技术研究及示范工程,2011/04-2013/03,400万元,参加。
8. 新世纪优秀人才项目,耐无铅液态钎料腐蚀的铁基非晶合金涂层的沉积理论与成型制造技术基础研究,2009-2012,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,改进等离子喷涂法沉积耐无铅液态钎料腐蚀的铁基块体金属玻璃涂层的行为与性能,2009/01-2011/12,22万元,已结题,主持。
10. 天津市自然科学基金,铁基块体金属玻璃的颗粒强韧化机制与超耐蚀涂层的创制,2007/10-2009/09,主持
11. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师基金,大体积分数微米尺度颗粒对大块金属玻璃基复合涂层的增韧机制研究,2008/01-2010/12,主持
(2)何满潮;朱旺喜;李元元;聂祚仁;叶福兴 等,冶金与矿业学科发展战略研究报告(2016-2020)(国家自然科学基金委员会),科学出版社, 2017年。
[1] Pengbo Mi, Fuxing Ye, Influence of the Cu addition on the tribological properties of HVOF sprayed bimodal WC-Co coating. Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 036408.
[2] Lei Guo, Zheng Yan, Xue Dong, Xichun Liu, Fuxing Ye,Composition-microstructure-mechanical property relationships and toughening mechanisms of GdPO4-doped Gd2Zr2O7 composites,Composites Part B: Engineering, 161 (2019) 473-482.
[3] Lei Guo, Chenglong Zhang, Qing He, Zhihua Li, Jianxing Yu, Xichun Liu, Fuxing Ye, Corrosion products evolution and hot corrosion mechanisms of REPO4 (RE=Gd, Nd, La) in the presence of V2O5 + Na2SO4 molten salt, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (2019) 1496-1506.
[4] Pengbo Mi, Fuxing Ye,Structure and wear performance of the atmospheric heat-treated HVOF sprayed bimodal WC-Co coating. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 76 (2018) 185-191.
[5] Pengbo Mi, Teng Wang, Fuxing Ye, et al. Sliding wear behavior of HVOF sprayed WC-(nano-WC-Co) coating at elevated temperatures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 206 (2018) 1-6.
[6] Pengbo Mi, Fuxing Ye. Wear performance of the WC/Cu self-lubricating textured coating. Vacuum, 157 (2018) 17-20.
[7] Fuxing Ye, Xu Sun,Nanoindentation response analysis of TiN-Cu coating deposited by magnetron sputtering,Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,28 (2018) 40-44
[8] Teng Wang, Fuxing Ye,The elevated-temperature wear behavior evolution of HVOF sprayed tungsten carbide coatings: Respond to heat treatment,International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials,71 (2018) 92-100.
[9] Hongjian Zhao, Pengbo Mi, Fuxing Ye, Compared the oxidation behavior of TiN and TiN/W2N ceramic coatings during heat treatment, 217 (2018) 445-450
[10] Hongjian Zhao, Lihua Yu, Fuxing Ye, Comparison study on the oxidation behavior of WN and WCN ceramic coatings during heat treatment, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 206 (2018) 144-149.
[11] Yukun Zhuo, Fuxing Ye, Feng Wang, A novel method to predict the highest hardness of plasma sprayed coating without micro-defects, Materials Research Express, 5 (2018) 046510.
[12] 叶福兴,申俊琦,付仕臻,戚恩平,陈轼,何思贤,张达,纪念焊接冶金学专家中共党员张文钺先生诞辰90周年,焊接技术, 12 (2017) 95-96.
[13] Zenglei Ni, Fuxing Ye, Effect of lap configuration on the microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar ultrasonic metal welded copper-aluminum joints, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 245 (2017) 180-192.
[14] Z.L. Ni, F.X. Ye. Ultrasonic spot welding of Al sheets by enhancing the temperature of weld interface. Materials Letters, 208(2017) 69-72.
[15] Zenglei Ni, Hongjian Zhao, Pengbo Mi, Fuxing Ye, Microstructure and mechanical performances of ultrasonic spot welded Al/Cu joints with Al 2219 alloy particle interlayer, Materials & Design, 92 (2016) 779-786.
[16] Z.L. Ni, F.X. Ye. Weldability and mechanical properties of ultrasonic joining of aluminum to copper alloy with an interlayer, Materials Letters, 182 (2016) 19-22.
[17] Z.L. Ni, F.X. Ye. Weldability and mechanical properties of ultrasonic welded aluminum to nickel joints, Materials Letters, 185 (2016) 204-207.
[18] Z.L. Ni, F.X. Ye. Dissimilar joining of aluminum to copper using ultrasonic welding, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 31(16) (2016) 2091-2100.
[19] 米鹏博,赵洪舰,叶福兴. Si含量对VSiN涂层的结构、力学性能和摩擦磨损性能影响,真空科学与技术学报, 36(10) (2016) 1107-1111.
[20] 孙策,陆冠雄,叶福兴等。HVOF喷涂WC-12Co粒子在不同基体上的沉积行为Deposition behavior of WC-12Co particle on different substrates sprayed by HVOF。《稀有金属材料与工程》,45(3) (2016) 749-754.
[21] 曾伟,赵洪舰,郭磊,叶福兴,C含量对WAlCN复合膜的微结构、力学性能和摩擦磨损性能的影响, 真空科学与技术学报,36(2) (2016) 138-142.
[22] Lei Guo, Mingzhu Li, Chenglong Zhang, Xin Huang, Fuxing Ye,Dy2O3 stabilized ZrO2 as a toughening agent for Gd2Zr2O7 ceramic, Materials Letters, Materials Letters, 188 (2017) 142-144.
[23] Xiaoxiang Zhao, Lei Guo, Caimei Wang, Yu Zhang, Fuxing Ye,Effect of Phase Structure Evolution on Thermal Expansion and Toughness of (Nd1-xScx)2Zr2O7 (x = 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1) Ceramics, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33 (2017) 192–197
[24] Feng Wang, Lei Guo, Caimei Wang, Fuxing Ye,Calcium-magnesium-alumina-silicate (CMAS) resistance characteristics of LnPO4 (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd) thermal barrier oxides,Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37 (2017) 289-296.
[25] Lei Guo, Chenglong Zhang, Mingzhu Li, Wei Sun, Zhaoyang Zhang, Fuxing Ye,Hot corrosion evaluation of Gd2O3-Yb2O3 co-doped Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 thermal barrier oxides exposed to Na2SO4+V2O5 molten salt,Ceramics International, 43(2) (2017) 2780-2785.
[26] Hongjian Zhao, Zenglei Ni, Fuxing Ye, Effect of carbon content on structure and properties of WCN coatings prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology, 287 (2016) 129-137.
[27] Hongjian Zhao, Lihua Yu,Chunyan Mu, Fuxing Ye,Structure and properties of Si-implanted VN coatings prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. Materials Characterization, 117 (2016) 65-75.
[28] Hongjian Zhao, Fuxing Ye, Investigation of sputtered WCN coating for diesel engine pistons applications, Vacuum, 126 (2016) 5-9.
[29] Ma Ning,Wu Huantao,Lu Guanxiong,Guo Lei,Ye Fuxing,Design and preparation of WC composite powders and coatings with in-situ synthesis Al2O3, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 45 (2016) 1012-1017.
[30] Sun Ce,Lu Guanxiong,Guo Lei,Lu Yanbing,Ye Fuxing,Deposition Behavior of WC-12Co Particles on Different Substrates Sprayed by HVOF, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 45 (2016) 749-754.
[31] Ye Fuxing,Niu Anning,Guo Lei,Ding Kunying,Impact behavior of WC-17Co particle in HVOF spraying, Tianjin Daxue Xuebao, 49 (2016) 882-887.
[32] Ye Fuxing,Lü Yanbing,Hao Lijun,Sun Ce,Guo Lei,Influence of chemical Ni-P plating on thermal shock resistance of 8YSZ thermal barrier coatings on QT500 substrate, Tianjin Daxue Xuebao, 49 (2016) 15-20.
[33] Lei Guo, Mingzhu Li, Fuxing Ye,Comparison of hot corrosion resistance of Sm2Zr2O7 and (Sm0.5Sc0.5)2Zr2O7 ceramics in Na2SO4+V2O5 molten salt, Ceramics International, 42(12) (2016) 13849-13854.
[34] Lei Guo, Mingzhu Li, Yu Zhang, Fuxing Ye,Improved toughness and thermal expansion of non-stoichiometry Gd2-xZr2+xO7+x/2 ceramics for thermal barrier coating application, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 32 (2016) 28–33.
[35] Lei Guo, Yu Zhang, Xiaoxiang Zhao, Caimei Wang, Fuxing Ye,Thermal expansion and fracture toughness of (RE0.9Sc0.1)2Zr2O7 (RE=La, Sm, Dy, Er) ceramics,Ceramics International, 42(1) (2016) 583-588.
[36] Lei Guo, Mingzhu Li, Fuxing Ye,Phase stability and thermal conductivity of RE2O3 (RE=La, Nd, Gd, Yb) and Yb2O3 co-doped Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 ceramics,Ceramics International, 42(6) (2016) 7360-7365.
[37] Caimei Wang, Lei Guo, Fuxing Ye,LaPO4 as a toughening agent for rare earth zirconate ceramics, Materials & Design, 111(2016) 389-393.
[38] Mingzhu Li, Lei Guo, Fuxing Ye,Phase structure and thermal conductivities of Er2O3 stabilized ZrO2 toughened Gd2Zr2O7 ceramics for thermal barrier coatings,Ceramics International, 42(15) (2016) 16584-16588.
[39] Lei Guo, Yu Zhang, Xiaoxiang Zhao, Fuxing Ye, Thermal expansion and fracture toughness of (RE0.9Sc0.1)2Zr2O7 (RE=La, Sm, Dy, Er) ceramics, Ceramics International, 42 (2016) 583-588.
[40] 韩玉君,叶福兴,李晓泉,铁基合金基底热喷涂热障涂层的界面化合物演化,材料热处理学报,36(10)(2015) 181-186.
[41] 马宁,乌焕涛,程振雄,叶福兴.粉末结构对HVOF喷涂WC-Co涂层组织性能的影响.稀有金属材料与工程,44(12) (2015) 3219-3223.
[42] Lei Guo,Yu Zhang, Fuxing Ye, Phase Structure Evolution and Thermo-physical Properties of Non-Stoichiometry Nd2-xZr2+xO7+x/2 Pyrochlore Ceramics,Journal of the American Ceramic Society,98(3) (2015) 1013-1018.
[43] Hongjian Zhao, Fuxing Ye. Effect of Si-incorporation on the structure, mechanical, tribological and corrosion properties of WSiN coating, Applied Surface Science, 356 (2015) 958-966.
[44] 赵洪舰,喻利花,叶福兴,环境温度对W2N/Cu涂层摩擦磨损性能的影响,真空科学与技术学报,35(8) (2015) 1-6.
[45] Caimei Wang, Lei Guo, Yu Zhang, Xiaoxiang Zhao, Fuxing Ye, Enhanced thermal expansion and fracture toughness of Sc2O3-doped Gd2Zr2O7 ceramics,Ceramics International, 42(9) (2015) 10730-10735.
[46] Yu Zhang, Lei Guo, Xiaoxiang Zhao, Fuxing Ye, Toughening effect of Yb2O3 stabilized ZrO2 doped in Gd2Zr2O7ceramic for thermal barrier coatings,Materials Science and Engineering: A, 648 (2015) 385-391.
[47] Lei Guo, Yu Zhang, Caimei Wang, Fuxing Ye, Phase structure evolution and thermal expansion variation of Sc2O3 doped Nd2Zr2O7 ceramics, Materials & Design, 82 (2015) 114-118.